Support Lake Houston Musical Arts Society

Advertise With Us

Take advantage of a unique opportunity to highlight your business in our concert programs. Program advertising not only generates revenue for LHMAS, it also drives new business to YOUR door!

LHMAS’ programs are published individually for each concert, allowing you to change your ad with each printing. Our season provides you with an opportunity to reach audiences in four concerts (seven program nights). New ads purchased after the first concert date? We’ll prorate.

Click on the link below to open our Program Advertising Contract (fillable pdf) which includes advertising rates, mechanical requirements, and deadline information.

Season Sponsor Pledge

  • Concert Underwriter ($5,000+) – “underwritten by” on all publications, a full page ad in all programs as well as honorary from the stage.
  • Concert Sponsor ($2500 – $4,999) – “sponsored by” on printed materials, a half page ad in our program as well as honorary from the stage.
  • Concert Maestro ($1,000 – $2,499) – Receive a third-page ad in every program as well as be included on a special page that lists our business contributors.


Available sizes (Height x Width) & Prices:

  • Full page black and white (7.5″ tall x 4.5″ wide) – $800
  • Half page black and white (3.5″ tall x 4.5″ wide) – $500
  • Business card black and white (2.5″ tall x 4.5″ wide) – $300

Contact Us for more information.

Fill out the Advertising Form or Download Advertising Form.